I care deeply about this beautiful community that we are fortunate to call our home. During my service on the City Council, we have made great strides in confronting the challenges that face us but we have much more to do. I will work hard to ensure that Bend is livable, safe, and prosperous – not just for today, but for my kids and future generations. I hope to earn your vote so that together we can create more affordable housing, tackle homelessness, protect our unique and precious environment, ensure safe neighborhoods and streets, and grow in a way that broadens economic opportunity.
— Megan Norris
Bend City Councilor Position 1

Meet Megan

Megan has served on the Bend City Council since January 2023, bringing to the Council her lifelong commitment to public service and a proven ability to forge practical solutions to community challenges.

As a community activist and leader, businesswoman, and Latina, Megan offers a unique perspective on the Council. From her service in the Peace Corps in Senegal, West Africa to her work advocating for clean air, affordable housing, and expanded childcare to her business experience developing solar energy projects and an award winning, sustainable urban residential neighborhood – Megan is always striving to make a positive difference.

Megan and her spouse Greg, who met during their Peace Corps service, have two daughters who attend Bend public schools. In her free time, Megan enjoys long trail runs and exploring the outdoors with her family.


Affordable Housing

The rising cost of housing is one of the greatest threats to Bend’s sustained prosperity. As a City Councilor, I’ve worked hard with my colleagues and the community to create hundreds of new affordable homes, launch a pilot Middle Housing program to provide housing opportunities for working families, and obtain federal and state funding to meet our housing needs. With my background in affordable housing advocacy, I will roll up my sleeves to continue and accelerate the progress we are making.

Livable, Walkable and Sustainable Neighborhoods

As Bend grows, we must constantly innovate to make sure that we are achieving the best vision for our community's future. In this vein, I will apply my skills and experience in sustainable development to strengthen our commitment to thoughtful, environmentally responsible development and livable, walkable, and connected neighborhoods.

Climate and the Environment

As the City Council's liaison to the City's Environment and Climate Committee, I am committed to accelerating our actions to protect our environment and combat climate change. We need to re-double our efforts to, among other things, encourage renewable energy, increase energy efficiency, reduce air pollution, and support development of a robust electric vehicle charging infrastructure. Our efforts and success in this arena will define the livability of Bend for generations to come.


At the City Council, we are working on multiple fronts to confront the tragedy of homelessness that affects all too many in our community. We have dramatically increased the number of shelter beds, bolstered behavioral health services, and funded new supportive housing units. We must continue to take actions to provide shelter to those in need, to move people out of homelessness, and to protect the public health and safety of our neighborhoods.

and equity

To earn the trust of taxpayers, City government must be transparent and accountable; equitable and inclusive; and committed to finding practical solutions to Bend's challenges. At the City Council, we have made important strides in this regard — engaging the community in key budget and policy deliberations, working collaboratively with other local governments in our region, and providing new tools to empower residents. These actions — and more — are critical to maintaining support for effective public policies and programs.